Yay! The LAST fundraiser went off swimmingly! We raised £587.50!! Thanks to the Mill on the Exe for hosting the event – the staff were all amazingly helpful. Janice and Ashley bent over backward to help me have a good night. And thanks to all the friends and performers who supported me yet again! I had three amazing bands, all of whom gave their time for free – Mark Travis Blackstone with Freeway Split, The Raphaelites, and 'Are You Experienced'… they were all great. Really great – money couldn't buy better.
'Are You Experienced'
Mark Tyler did an excellent job as the compère. He started at 5.00 and was there until the end, which I really didn't expect. We did a radio interview at 6.30 [?] which went out live on ExeterFM at 7.00. I got the giggles – no idea why. I just always imagine myself sounding like a chipmunk on radio. But Mark Travis was there to lend some sense! Although from this pic you wouldn't think so? ;)
The FH arrived early and manned the gate, selling raffle tickets to all and sundry. My best supporter :)
Claire was there with a table full of beautiful fairy cakes [they were a sell out!] and she and Sam donated half their take to the fund. They are a new business, so that was like IBM giving me £50 000…thanks girls!
And of course, the burlesque girls…well! They were wonderful! Cherry Ve'Dore and Lady Lace. Elegant and entertaining. Totally captivated the audience.
Thank you Alex Toze for the lovely photos!! What a pro!
And of course there were all the cancery types. That's what it was all about, after all…this is the only thing about events that daunts me. Talking to people who have had cancer. Or had a loved one who died of cancer. Everyone has a story. Everyone needs to talk and tell that story – and I am the perfect person to talk to, as I am also a cancery type…it's amazing, but it's very draining.
I came home thinking of all those people's lives; how they've changed. How they've struggled and will still struggle. The physical fact that one has recovered from cancer is a wonderful wonderful thing. I know that – I am living that now.
But it doesn't stop the rat in the back of the mind, gnawing away, telling you it's back…making you wonder if any little thing is the forerunner of a recurrence…the mental effect of having cancer is quite astounding. And rather frustrating when one watches adverts like the CRUK one running right now. Where everyone 'gets better' and 'donate £2 a month and together we WILL beat cancer'.
Perhaps they should perhaps ask £10 per month – wouldn't that be quicker?? It's a tear jerker for sure – their last ad was better. What we really need is facts. Not heart rending movies – but actual information about what CRUK are really doing for us. I know they are doing amazing things – they should put those facts in the advert instead of making everyone reach for the Kleenex. We cry enough about cancer and it's ripple effects. The devastating effects it can have on one's relationships. Family and friends are all affected – sometimes with horrendous results.
BUT, enough ranting – I am thrilled that we made a massive £587.50 from the event, bringing my total fund raising to £4671.00!! Please go here to donate if you can – I would love to make K5!
Thank you everyone who supported me in this – you are all amazing! :)
It makes me so happy to see fundraising for Ovarian cancer. There is so much for breast cancer and I have to admit I get agitated at times seeing all the money that goes to breast cancer. Don't get me wrong, I know cancer is cancer but people don't even know about ovarian cancer. There is so much more to be done.
ReplyDeleteI am listening to your link for the radio station! Thanks!