Saturday, 14 August 2010

friday 14th

aj Check out the cool t-shirts, kindly donated by ACES t-shirts! 01392 211921

The reason I am doing the Fingle Glen stuff at severely cut price is because they have given me work. Cleaning. I really need it. I am constantly applying for graphic design jobs in the UK with no luck. Imagine that! I have 10 years experience in corporate graphic design - suddenly I need experience in 'web design' as well?? That's not normal -  it's ok for me, as I have made web sites. But not for job seekers, as they require a 'qualification' in web design before they will give one a job…well.

Plus - Fingle Glen donated a 3 day weekend at one of their chalets to my fund! Oof - brilliant!! Can't thank them enough - yay Andy Bridgeman!!

Qualifications are great. But web design for GRAPHIC designers? So I am basically knackered unless I get a web design 'qualification'…which will be a basic. Probably what I already know about Dreamweaver? So. I WILL get the qualification - just to be irritating. The whole thing does my head in - but this week  i have applied for a new job - event organiser for CLIC Sargent. Its a three day a week job - and I really want it!!

It's an Assistant Events Fundraiser - organising events for a children's cancer charity. Woo hoo - bring it on -  I know I can do it - I want to do it. And I need to do it. And I so want them to just give me an interview - I am sure I will get the job. But, hey ho, we will see.

In the meantime; the Port Royal event! Amazing!! Brilliant!!  I made about £490.00 there!! Just waving the pink boxes!! My friends ran off with them down the north end of the Quay - yay they  made loads!! And that, added to the raffle I did in advance of the event, made about £1000.00!! Whee! Bloody marvellous!! Still drawing in the funds. Thank you so much in the meantime; the Port Royal - and thank you so much all the friends who helped me with this event - Mark Blackstone [Freeway Split] for playing for free [totally brilliant!!] and Judi Spiers [did the raffle for me - totally amazing, plus she was soooo funny!]…plus everyone else…you know who you are!!  Thanks for selling raffle tickets in advance of the event - Thank you - I am overwhelmed …here are some pics!!


the Port Royal Crew


Freeway Split



Grace. And Sue. And Julie - talking to John Hore, of the Exeter City Legends.


  1. You are one amazing women and Clic Sargent would be mad not to employ you. I sincerely hope you get the job honey xxx

  2. uff - me too! will wait and see, as I am sure there are lots of 'qualified' peeps after it too ;o)


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