Friday 6 June 2008

another Friday | another blood test

Friday 6th June

It’s our EIGHTH wedding anniversary today!

Hard to believe it, time goes so quickly when you’re enjoying yourself! Plus it’s almost the weekend, so I zoomed out and invested in a nice Chablis for Andrew [he loves it] to devour when he gets home this evening. And a nice Pinot Grigio for little me [I'm not fussy and as I can't have Planalto, it'll have to do]. Not quite bbq weather here so I better think about cooking – NOT my forté at all, but I am sure I can come up with something edible. Anniversary Omelette has rather a good ring to it!

Off to Weymouth, King George III’s watering-place, tomorrow for the weekend – great, I can’t wait to go somewhere different and it’s quite quaint and pretty busy, so it should be entertaining. I looked at the weather channel three times today and each time it’s completely different! I wonder if they’re having a drunken Button Pressing Party down at the Met Office? Much more reliable to look out of the window...
Lots of good news today, as my darling sister-in-law came out of hospital yesterday – and my friend Karin too – what’s this all about anyway? Is this 'The Year of Surgery' for everyone I know? It’s ridiculous – next year I think we should all get together in the Bahamas and celebrate some normality. Such a bunch of attention seekers...but it’s made my day that they’re both out and now on the road to recovery.

The blood tests went well this morning. We used the other arm, seeing as how the veins in my left arm are a bit uncooperative, and I still have a bruise from last time. I think I am going to have to have the cannula in my right hand at the next chemo, even though I’m not keen on the idea. But the back of my left hand still feels bruised and uncomfortable. Maybe it’ll be ok if I use the right just the once, in order to give the left hand a break. Seeing the oncologist, Dr Hong again this time, so I can ask her a few questions about travelling, as I understand I have to get a letter from her for the insurance company [when we eventually find one that is equitable], to prove that I am 'fit to travel'. As if any person in their right mind would travel if they weren’t? Ho hum – mustn’t get started on insurance again.

So, off for the weekend! Over and out

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