Monday, 15 March 2010

Sunday safari – Alf Fresco's and beyond…

cyclethelights-122this morning was interesting! I was leaping about the house at 6.00 waving coffee and cigarettes, slapping on make-up and clothes, getting ready to zoom down to  Dartmouth to see Simon off on his first leg. The FH of course, was sedately doing his thing.

I carefully packed the camera, lenses and spare battery; the sunglasses and other sundry stuff necessary for The Safari to Dartmouth. Off we went. I was remarkably cheery considering the anti social hour. Well, in my opinion anyway!

We collected Julie, and off we shot. Claire and her small army were on the way, so were Amanda and her crew. We made it to Alf Resco's a minute before 8.00, and bumped into Claire & Co. in the street. The little ferry trip was excellent fun!! Loved it – the light was amazing this morning.

Here's a map of the lighthouses.


Alf Fresco's was chocker block with cyclists and some other ordinary peeps – all slurping coffee and munching brekkie – they do a fab breakfast there, open at 7.00 every day. And it was SUNNY!!

So, we decided to take photos...oops, I did that insane thing of not remembering the memory stick! It was in the pc at home…bah. But hey ho, we used the iPhone. As you will notice, the photos totally suck, but better than none! A really good send off for Simon by Alf Fresco's and the rest of the supporters. Then WE had breakfast! Sausage and egg sarnies…orgasmic!

Now just for the Girls to meet him around the country!

Nick Baker and Simon Curtis


the trailer


the Supporters! :o)

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and…Simon and Murphy…

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  1. Great to see you looking so well - love the hair. I see you're still travelling at 1,000 mph. Look after yourself. SteveB

  2. aaargh! steve!! thanks.

    I have your blog post in drafts - will sort it this week :o) I'm brainless...and delightfully busy!

    will email you


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